Ingo Lehrke

Company: Tubulis GmbH

Job title: CBO


Tubulis – Reimagining ADCs From Concept to Clinics 4:20 pm

Expanding the therapeutic potential of protein-drug conjugate through increased design flexibility, leveraging the right platform to create ADCs with superior biophysical properties Updates on Tubulis’ proprietary programs Seeking new conjugates to fill Tubulis’ pipeline and collaborations for the new era of ADCsRead more

day: Day One - PM

Panel Discussion: DACs, Protacs & Molecular Glues: Why is ADC Technology What Protein Degradation Needs? 8:15 am

Discussing mechanistic differences across protein degradation payloads, their therapeutic role, and liabilities Demonstrating a protein degradation therapeutic window, and selective delivery with antibodies Understanding why protein degradation experts believe ADC technology is neededRead more

day: Day Two -AM

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